Be Grateful
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Be Grateful
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employee Data Set
A local Hospital that has thousands of employees spread out across the state. The company believes in hiring the best talent available and retaining them for as long as possible. A huge amount of resources is spent on retaining existing employees through various initiatives. The Head of People Operations wants to bring down the cost of retaining employees. For this, he proposes limiting the incentives to only those employees who are at risk of attrition. As a recently hired Data Scientist in the People Operations Department, you have been asked to identify patterns in characteristics of employees who leave the organization. Also, you have to use this information to predict if an employee is at risk of attrition. This information will be used to target them with incentives.
Objective :
* To identify the different factors that drive attrition
* To make a model to predict if an employee will attrite or not
### Dataset :
The data contains demographic details, work-related metrics and attrition flag.
* **EmployeeNumber** - Employee Identifier
* **Attrition** - Did the employee attrite?
* **Age** - Age of the employee
* **BusinessTravel** - Travel commitments for the job
* **DailyRate** - Data description not available**
* **Department** - Employee Department
* **DistanceFromHome** - Distance from work to home (in km)
* **Education** - 1-Below College, 2-College, 3-Bachelor, 4-Master,5-Doctor
* **EducationField** - Field of Education
* **EnvironmentSatisfaction** - 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High, 4-Very High
* **Gender** - Employee's gender
* **HourlyRate** - Data description not available**
* **JobInvolvement** - 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High, 4-Very High
* **JobLevel** - Level of job (1 to 5)
* **JobRole** - Job Roles
* **JobSatisfaction** - 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High, 4-Very High
* **MaritalStatus** - Marital Status
* **MonthlyIncome** - Monthly Salary
* **MonthlyRate** - Data description not available**
* **NumCompaniesWorked** - Number of companies worked at
* **Over18** - Over 18 years of age?
* **OverTime** - Overtime?
* **PercentSalaryHike** - The percentage increase in salary last year
* **PerformanceRating** - 1-Low, 2-Good, 3-Excellent, 4-Outstanding
* **RelationshipSatisfaction** - 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High, 4-Very High
* **StandardHours** - Standard Hours
* **StockOptionLevel** - Stock Option Level
* **TotalWorkingYears** - Total years worked
* **TrainingTimesLastYear** - Number of training attended last year
* **WorkLifeBalance** - 1-Low, 2-Good, 3-Excellent, 4-Outstanding
* **YearsAtCompany** - Years at Company
* **YearsInCurrentRole** - Years in the current role
* **YearsSinceLastPromotion** - Years since the last promotion
* **YearsWithCurrManager** - Years with the current manager
** In the real world, you will not find definitions for some of your variables. It is a part of the analysis to figure out what they might mean.
Below are some examples of the code and output found in the Jupyter Notebook file from above. The notebook contains more code blocks than are listed below. Lots of fun stuff to play with.
while HRs and Technicians have an attrition rate of around 25%. The sales and HR departments have higher attrition rates in comparison to an academic department like Research & Development, an observation that makes intuitive sense keeping in mind the differences in those job profiles. The high-pressure and incentive-based nature of Sales and Marketing roles may be contributing to their higher attrition rates.
The reason for this could be that employees with lower job involvement might feel left out or less valued and have already started to explore new options, leading to a higher attrition rate.
Indicating a significant number of loyal employees at the organization.
meaning most employees live close to work but there are a few that live further away.
These employees are assumed to be high work-experience employees in upper-management roles, such as co-founders, C-suite employees and the like.
The feature importance plot for the base model and tuned model are quite similar
Note: Blue leaves represent the eligible class i.e. y[1] and the orange leaves represent the non-eligible class i.e. y[0]. Also, the more the number of observations in a leaf, the darker its color gets.
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